An inspection of the trailer wiring revealed that nothing was worth salvaging, so I replaced everything and installed LED tail lights. The lights I bought claimed to be submersible, but they were submersible in the same way an inverted cup is submersible. There were openings in the bottom for the wires, and the lenses were sealed with simple foam gaskets. I made them truly waterproof by sealing all the holes and seams with hot melt glue.
Now to tackle the mast support problem. My goal was to have something that is sturdy, easily removable, and lockable. I also decided to add a center stop light to reduce the risk of getting rear ended in traffic. In addition, the mast protrudes about 4 feet past the trailer lights, which is a bit too far. By adding lights to the mast support, this distance is reduced to 2 feet. The support is a bar of aluminum 1/2" x 1 1/2", and the mast holder is made from 1/8" aluminum. The support has pockets on the back side that the rudder hinges go into. Then a 5/16" rod drops into the top rudder hinge, locking to it securely. When the mast is installed, the rod cannot be backed out. The mast is secured with a padlock, securing everything in place.
The lights plug into a receptacle next to one of the trailer lights. The lights are bright and hard to miss.
The boom block's plastic pulleys were degraded from 30 years of exposure to the elements. Since I have a 3D printer, I decided to put it to use, and print my own replacement pulleys in ABS.
I began by milling of the head of the rivets holding the block together. I milled as little as possible off, for I plan on reusing the rivet.
I reassembled the block using stacks of washers to prevent the block from spreading now that the rivet's head is gone. This works well, and below is the rebuilt block.
I practiced rigging it in my back yard. Note the mouse-eaten sails.
The Sunbird's maiden voyage was a success. There are no leaks, and we didn't have any mishaps. The Sunbird is a great boat. Stable (for an un-ballasted boat) and easy to handle, she moves along nicely in gentle 5 knot winds. A nice (and inexpensive!) way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
However, it is not very nice when the wind drops to zero! The Sunbird
took a surprising amount of effort to paddle in. That experience made
it clear that an auxiliary motor was essential. The Sunbird manual
recommends a long shaft motor, max 6 HP. Unfortunately, long shafts
are not common on the used market, and new motors are prohibitively
expensive. I found a 1970 6HP short shaft Evinrude in very good
condition, so I bought it and then got to work designing a motor mount
to enable me to use it. This gave me the opportunity to solve a second
problem. Where to put the gas tank? There isn't much room in the
cockpit, especially when one is scrambling around adjusting the sails
and switching sides to balance the boat. Therefore, I designed a mount
which both lowers the motor and holds a gas tank. As a bonus, the motor
is moved 10 inches off the stern, completely removing it from the
cockpit area. I made the mount from 1/8" aluminum sheet and 1" x 1 1/2"
bar stock and bolted everything together with 47
I machined an aluminum cap with tubing fittings for the fuel and vent lines. It is spill proof and impervious to water splashing in.
These pictures are of the original concept. I have since trimmed the top twice and raised the mount 3 inches. The pictures above are of the original design while the picture below is of the second generation.
It is bolted to the boat with four 5/16" stainless bolts. The upper part of the Sunbird's transom is reinforced with wood inside, making it plenty strong to support the motor in this fashion. The 1970 Evinrude is a nice little motor. It is extremely well made, and easy to start. It is also remarkably quite at no-wake speeds, which is the condition that I will be primarily using it in. At 6HP, it will be loafing most of the time, while a smaller engine would need to be run at higher throttle settings. It is also not excessively heavy at around 45 pounds.
Then I once again raised the motor mount to it's third, and final position. Now the short shaft motor is mounted only 2 inches below the Sunbird's transom, and it is still plenty deep in the water. It now clears the water when raised by 3 inches.
Every sailing trip has made me aware of something that needs to be repaired or improved. The latest is the rudder spring pin. The hole in the rudder was greatly enlarged, so I made a pair of aluminum bushings to fit in the hole after I drilled it out to restore it to a round shape.
Bottom: Installed in rudder. The larger diameter combined with the flanges should prevent the hole from distorting again.
Another quick fix. The bracket at the top of the mast was missing, and the previous owner simply tied the end of the boom cable to the mast. I made one out of aluminum C channel.
This picture could have been taken in 1983. A 100% vintage rig: A 1983 Ford towing the 1979 Sunbird on a 1979 Dilly trailer. Observant readers will notice that the sails and boom are removed. A gusty crosswind was blowing across the ramp that day, so I removed the sails at the dock.